Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The all important colour scheme!

A month or two ago, we had such good weather that it allowed us to crack on with refreshing the topside  colour band.
Although I was not a fan of the dark blue, which I felt gave the boat a very heavy/squat look, at the time of ordering the paint I didn't really contemplate changing the colour.
I think the sub-conscious decision was based on past experience of painting lighter colours over darker, then scratching the lighter top coats and exposing a dark line in the lighter paint. However, this was with single part paint years ago. Two part is so much more durable and will not have the same issues.
So with the kits of International Perfection two part flag blue paint in hand, we set about prepping the area for painting.

The area was taped off and heavily sanded, filled where needed and cleaned ready for undercoating.

The existing paint was single part, so it required a couple of thick barrier coats of 2 part primer to ensure the top coat would not blister the existing single part paint.
We chose to darken the white under coat with a little bit of black pigment as we were using a dark topcoat.

With the 3 coats of 2 part primer complete, we stood back and said how much we liked the grey! Even receiving many positive comments from fellow marina users passing by.
However, we humans can be a little slow on the take sometimes, and we proceeded to blindly prepare the undercoat for the blue top coats.

As soon as the first coat of flag blue went on, we really knew that we had made a mistake. The fresh look of the boat created by the grey colour had been replace by the same (all be it high gloss) dark paint and returned the boat to its squat appearance.

After much contemplation, discussion and opinions (heated at times), it was decided that although we had to take a few steps backwards, we would never really be happy with the blue.
A few more days of great weather, and we are now sporting a high gloss Platinum finish that we could not be happier with!

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