Friday, December 13, 2013

Relocation of the water tank deck fillers

As mentioned in a previous post -

- when I extended the aft bunks on the boat, I in turn needed to relocate the water tank deck filler points, as they are now located directly above the bunk extension which makes them in-accessible.

First off I removed the fillers and got stuck into the deck with a chisel in order to get back to the fiber-glass decking.

Once cleaned up, I filled the hole with a section of hard plastic, which I glued in place with the hot glue gun, and glassed over the lot.

Then the planks had to come up.

The hole in the ply sub-deck was filled with epoxy filler and faired.  And new planks shaped and fitted.

 Finally the planks are epoxied in place ready for the seams to be re-caulked.

 Last part will be to re-fit the tank fillers in a more suitable location, but as always, that is for another post.

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